What/Who is Bakchormeeboy?

Bakchormeeboy was started in 2016 when we noticed an increasing lack of media coverage on the arts scene as old websites began shutting down one after the other and eminent reviewers left their posts. As such, Bakchormeeboy began as a platform to fill that gap in arts writing in Singapore, providing in-depth previews and reviews of theatre shows, with a special place in our hearts for young, upcoming talents and companies who might otherwise not receive as much opportunity on mainstream media. We seek to bring the arts closer to the audience with our website and writing, and to be the first point of reference for any upcoming theatre performance and news in Singapore.

Since then we’ve rapidly expanded, and now provide coverage for all the major theatre companies in Singapore, including Singapore Repertory Theatre, W!ld Rice, The Necessary Stage and The Theatre Practice. Besides our main forte in covering the theatre scene in Singapore, we also review dance, visual arts, film, opera, and entire festivals. We also travel overseas regularly to provide coverage of events in places as far flung as London’s West End and other parts of Asia.

Receiving around 60,000 unique views per month, our demographic ranges from university students to young adults. We can only grow more as time passes, and our strong readership ensures that articles we put up have plenty of reach in terms of both quantity and quality, especially within eminent members of the local arts scene.

In addition, as an online platform, we aim to be the first to publish reviews and articles, catching the opening nights of most of the performances we watch in order to release the reviews within 48 hours or less to boost ticket sales and provide timely, accurate coverage. Our posts always link back to the ticketing channels where readers can buy tickets, and we provide listings of upcoming arts events in a handy calendar in the tabs above. We never demand for financial payment for our arts reviews, as we feel that it would compromise on the quality and accuracy of the article, and it’s all we can do to help support and grow the local arts scene in our own way.

Why Bakchormeeboy?

The name Bakchormeeboy came about because we want people to know that we’re from Singapore and proud of it. Bak chor mee happens to be our favourite dish, is quintessentially Singaporean, and just needs a few standard ingredients to make it work – the mushrooms, the vinegar, the chilli, the minced pork and noodles. If any one of these things are missing, well, it’s not bak chor mee anymore. And similarly, in the arts scene, we need all these different people and elements to come together to make the perfect ‘dish’.